Friday, March 2, 2007

Nero 7 Ultra Edition Enhanced

Nero has long offered most every feature one might reasonably expect from a digital-media suite. It's given us the ability to produce, burn, and copy almost any type of CD or DVD, mixed in a slew of video, imaging, slide-show, and sound-production tools, and wrapped it all in a user-friendly front end. We've previously reviewed Nero 7 Ultra Edition, so you might be wondering why we'd review Nero 7 Ultra Edition Enhanced, which isn't even a point-upgrade, but instead is that rarest of all upgrade types, the additional-adjective upgrade. The answer is, this edition really is enhanced. It represents considerable strides into the world of distributed multimedia for a vast array of personal devices. The question is, how many consumers out there are ready to stream their multimedia to a single personal device, let alone a vast array of tech gear? Still, when I reviewed the remarkably stable early production release, I found that while it's not perfect, it's damned good.

Via PCMag

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